
Data & Privacy | Data Collaboration | MeasureUp Call for Content | Programmatic DOOH Training | Ad Investment Trends | Jobs

Dear IAB Community,

In the lead up to Privacy Awareness Week, the Attorney-General alongside the Prime Minster, the Communications Minister and other members of the Government announced that legislation to reform the Privacy Act would be brought forward to August. The IAB is actively consulting with Government on the process and from our perspective there are still a number of issues to work through. I would highly recommend attendance at our Data and Privacy Summit next week in Sydney where will give an update on the regulatory side of things as well as a range of examples and discussions of how media and marketing organisations are re-engineering their data processes and offerings.

One of the speakers from next week's event, Danny Tyrell from DataCo, has penned a fantastic piece looking at the shift from third party cookies to compliant and secure data collaboration supported by privacy-enhancing technologies.

MeasureUp, the largest measurement conference in Australia, will return for its 8th year on 11th September. MeasureUp 2024 submissions are now open for presentations, panel discussions and workshops to demonstrate and stimulate brilliance in the science of advertising and media measurement. Presenters at previous conferences is a who's who of the best minds in media and marketing research.  Early bird MeasureUp tickets are available now.

This month's nickable charts from Ipsos iris highlight the online health category with slides to pilfer on health audience trends and top mobile health apps.

Our DOOH Working Group is encouraging more agency traders and buyers as well as in-house marketing teams to join the 500+ people who have already participated in the Foundations of Programmatic DOOH e-learning program that was developed by a range of industry leaders. The Working Group is offering some very generous incentives to complete the Foundations of Programmatic DOOH training with 100 x $50 gift vouchers up for grabs over the next three months.

A couple of weeks back we released some international ad market information for members comparing the Australian and US digital ad markets in 2023, we have now expanded that analysis to include some of the new data from the UK market from our friends at IAB UK.

More resources including from IAB members PubMatic and Kantar as well as some fabulous industry job openings.

'Til next week, 


data & privacy summit

With Privacy Week in full swing, the Data & Privacy Summit next Wednesday is not to be missed. Responsible data collection, data management and data collaboration is just one of the hot topics we will cover. Come and hear what our industry experts have to say.

book your tickets

affiliate report

Content submissions are now open for MeasureUp 2024. It's time to hone your presentation, panel discussion or workshop idea, to demonstrate new measurement approaches, unique industry data and research, best practice, or local case study. Presenters at MeasureUp are the who's who of the best minds in media and marketing research. Be amongst them this year and get your content pitch in to the IAB by 5 July 2024.

submit your idea

privacy landscape

While Google may have recently delayed its full deprecation of third-party cookies, there is still concern within the digital marketing and advertising industry on its preparedness for a cookieless future, Danny Tyrell of DataCo Technologies shares his thoughts.

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nickable slides

This pack of industry slides with the latest Ipsos iris data, highlights Australians usage of online health websites and apps and audience profiles for the month of March 2024, along with trends over the last year.

download the charts

pdooh training

The DOOH Working Group are encouraging more agency traders and buyers as well as in-house marketing teams to join the 500+ people who have already taken the training with an incentive to complete the training by the end of July. 

find out more


Download this report from Pubmatic to better understand how advertisers can increase shopper engagement and retailers can drive incremental revenue.

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mentally healthy

Kantar's latest thought leadership covers greenwashing, trust and how to get your sustainability messaging, advertising and communications right to best connect with every Australian.

download the report

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