
Retail Media Market & Measurement | Marketing Effectiveness Success | Digital Ad Talent | MeasureUp | Brisbane Event | Jobs

Dear IAB Community,

With retail media advertising on the rise in Australia agencies and marketers are looking for industry agreement and guidance on measurement and standards according to the latest Retail Media State of the Nation 2024 Report. This new report is the second wave of research designed by our Retail Media Council to provide information on agency and marketer usage, plans, objectives and needs in relation to retail media.

To help address the needs of this maturing market, the Retail Media Council have collaborated to produce the Australian Retail Media Measurement Principles and Guidance to help support the market. Huge thanks to both IAB US and IAB Europe for their work on retail media measurement, we have leant heavily on their work to align globally where possible. Don't forget if you are trying to get up to speed on retail media fundamentals there is a short e-learning program available for free for IAB members and at a low price for non-members.

The latest nickable charts provides stats and trends for Australian digital media consumption of sports websites and apps which is timely considering the flurry of large sports events over recent months. IAB members can download these now.

In our latest podcast episode, we discuss ways that can help marketers give their ad and marketing investments the best chance of long-term success. Recently Kantar in collaboration with WARC published a new paper titled Destination: Marketing Effectiveness which aggregates the results from Kantar client activity across the globe and looks at the drivers for success as well as comparing different geographic regions. On the podcast Mark Kennedy, Partner at Consulting by Kantar and Maddie Jahnke at Pernod Ricard share their tips for marketing effectiveness success.

Our Talent and Careers Working Group have been analysing the findings of the Digital Advertising and Ad Tech Talent Review  that was released last week and have provided some market commentary on the report. Thanks to Index Exchange, GumGum and Yahoo for their contributions.

The excitement is building for MeasureUp with content being finalised and people jostling for tickets in their organisations. Make sure you check the latest agenda, and we have just released discount bundle tickets to limit the jostling! Thanks to our sponsors Google, Samba TV, IAS and Meta.

Our annual trip for our Brisbane Market Update is a team highlight. We will be back again at QUT in October providing an overview of digital advertising trends, new standards and research as well as hearing from the local Brisbane media and advertising community.

More resources below and a range of great industry job openings.

'Til next week



MeasureUp is less than 2 weeks away! There are still a few discounted tickets available. You don't want to miss Colin Barnard, Managing Director at Criteo answering brands' most pressing questions about the value of their retail media investments. 

secure your tickets

sport nickable charts

 This pack of industry slides with the latest Ipsos iris data, highlights the growth, audience profile and top brands in the online sports category. The pack is made for pilfering and perfect for sales and pitch decks. 

download the slides

retail measurement

IAB Australia's Retail Media Council has released this new collaborative industry guide to provide information on current retail media measurement practices and solutions, along with a checklist for what brands should ask retailers.

download now

retail media state of the nation

The second wave of the IAB Australia Retail Media State of the Nation Report, based on findings from an industry survey, provides much needed data on the development and needs of the emerging Retail Media advertising market.

download now


In this weeks episode we discuss ways marketers can give their ad and marketing investments the best chance at long term success.  

listen now

talent review q&a

As a follow-up to the recent Australia Digital Advertising and Ad Tech Talent report, we asked the IAB Australia Talent & Careers Working Group a few questions on the insights, trends and key findings of the report.

read more

mentor program drinks

Last Thursday The Trade Desk kindly hosted our annual mentor program drinks. Outgoing mentees, incoming mentees and mentors had the chance to network and gain valuable tips.

view the gallery


The IAB's annual Brisbane event is fast approaching. This event gets bigger each year, don't miss out!

Book your tickets today.

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