
Digital Ad & Ad Tech Talent Market | YouTube CTV Data Added to Ipsos iris | July Audience Ratings | More MeasureUp Speakers | Growth of Affiliate Marketing | Jobs

Dear IAB Community,

The latest Digital Advertising and Ad Tech Talent Review has just been released outlining a job market and industry makeup that has undergone significant change. Although the job vacancy rate is similar to last year, the redundancies over the last year have resulted in a smaller industry population and thus less job roles available. However, over six in ten companies in the industry are hoping to slightly increase their headcount in the next six months. There is a range of good news and more challenging findings in this report. While we have seen an upward trend for females in product and engineering roles, the number of females in senior management roles slipped back this year from 38% in 2023 to 34% in 2024. The full report is available for IAB members.

A big week for the official digital audience measurement ratings with the launch of enriched YouTube audience reach and watch time data for connected TV in the Ipsos iris digital audience measurement currency. This now sits alongside OzTAM BVOD data, video for tagged websites and a comprehensive view of digital consumer behaviour across all websites and apps. As we build cross media measurement from the ground up, this is another Australian first with unlevelled collaboration and innovation in an industry endorsed measurement system.

The July Ipsos iris ratings are out revealing that Australians' time spent online reached a 2024 peak, driving record results across multiple categories. Unsurprisingly sport audiences jumped particularly driven by the start of the Olympics, business and tax sites saw big increases as people start preparing their tax returns and prepare for the new financial year.

More MeasureUp speakers have been announced – make sure you grab your tickets for the annual gathering of media measurement and ad effectiveness thinkers.

A recent Mutinex MROI report identified that there has been an increase in investment in affiliate marketing, Emma Delaforce from Commission Factory and the IAB Affiliate Working Group has penned an article on how the channel can aid marketers in tough economic times.

In our series profile of different IAB member organisations we hear from Eyeota this week. If you belong to a member organisation and would like to be profiled, please get in touch.

More resources and some fabulous job openings below.

'Til next week



At this session Mutinex will unveil their latest read on Marketing ROI, analysing over 2 billion dollars of real marketing spend to determine where marketing investment and ROI are changing.

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talent review

The latest Digital Advertising and Ad Tech Talent Review has just been released outlining a job market and industry makeup that has undergone significant change. There is a range of good news and more challenging findings in this report.

download the report


In a recent blog post, Emma Delaforce from Commission Factory highlights that the current economic climate pressures marketers to achieve results on tight budgets, prompting a turn to affiliate marketing as a way to maximise their ROI and drive sales in a cost-effective manner.

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new member q&a

Every now and then we like to highlight a new IAB Australia member that we think our community will find interesting. Today we meet Eyeota. 

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Don't miss out on some great industry benefits through your IAB Australia membership. Check out discounts available.

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