
Market Movements | Reducing Ad Wastage | Lifestyle Nickable Charts | Retail Media Trends & Research| MeasureUp | Jobs

Dear IAB Community,

We have continued to see redundancies hitting our industry over recent weeks. As part of the changes at Nine, the chair of the IAB, Matt Rowley the CEO of Pedestrian Group, will be departing. Matt has been an incredible chair providing brilliant support and leadership for myself, the IAB team, board and digital advertising industry. There will be an update on a new chair in coming weeks. For those who have been impacted by market changes please keep connected with the IAB through events, free e-learning, resources and job listings in this newsletter each week.

If you work at an agency or a brand and wondering how you can the industry help support quality media environments and cut wastage of advertising investment dollars? Taking time to do some best practice and standards housekeeping can reinvest dollars in more effective and suitable areas. We provide some guidance on how to do just this in our latest From the Bureau article in B&T.

The latest set of nickable charts provides up to date data on Australian's consumption of different types of lifestyle content, audience synergy with other content categories and the top ten lifestyle sites. I know we often reference that we are a nation obsessed by real estate but gosh we are also hooked on food and recipe content with 12.6 million Australians visiting food sites or apps in June.

In the latest IAB Australia podcast we chat about developments in the Australian retail media market with two industry leaders, John Harvey Faurholt from Microsoft and Martyn Raab from Endeavour Group.

If you are an agency or brand that is using retail media or is retail media curious make sure you complete our latest State of the Nation Retail Media survey, not only will you be first in line to get the results but you also have a chance to win a $250 gift card.

Thanks to the many, many people who submitted pitches for MeasureUp, we are currently reviewing all of them and will get back to everyone shortly. It is going to be a cracker of an event. There are limited early bird MeasureUp tickets that are being snapped up quickly so make sure you book them quickly.

More resources below including new research pieces from Adobe and Google as well as a range of interesting industry job openings.

'Til next week



In this weeks episode, we hear from key players in the retail media sector which is growing at an incredible pace. Have a listen as John Harvey Faurholt from Microsoft and Martyn Raab, Endeavour Group share the state of play for their organisations and the industry at large.

listen now

game summit

The Gaming Summit is the key event for brands and agencies who want to understand planning, effectiveness, opportunities and best practice for all types of game advertising.

2 free tickets for IAB Member companies.

reserve your seat

nickable slides

This pack of industry slides with the latest Ipsos iris data, profiles digital lifestyle content audiences and their high propensity to also consume other digital content and services. 

download the slides

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