Dear IAB Community,
The Ad Effectiveness Council continues to release incredibly informative work to help the industry understand measurement techniques that will not be significantly impacted by a reduction in signals and identifiers. The fifth module of its Marketing Measurement Innovation Series, 'Ad Effectiveness Through Continuous Experiments' seeks to increase understanding across the industry on how controlled experiments allow marketers to adopt best-practice scientific methods, adding confidence and precision to marketing investment decisions.
If you missed our Sydney Audio Summit, we have just released a podcast (fittingly!) from our crime sessions. The podcast features the crime pays research with Peter Pynta from Neuro-Insight and true crime podcast panel with leading journalists from NewsCast, The Australian, Nine and One Minute Remaining with an incredibly interesting discussion on the role, responsibilities and challenges for media organisations developing this type of content. We are back releasing IAB Australia Podcasts regularly on all the hot industry topics, I find industry podcasts one of the most efficient ways of keeping up to date so make sure to subscribe through your favourite podcast service.
Audiences going to gaming sites and apps are up 10% year on year with over 15 million Australians visiting one in January. Did you know there were still 1.2 million people using the Pokemon Go app in January? Well, we have the latest consumer trends based on data from the industry digital audience measurement ratings service Ipsos iris in our Online Games Nickable Charts deck for IAB members.
It is only three weeks till our programmatic DOOH conference in collaboration with the OMA. With speakers from Avenue C, EssenceMediacom, Go2ooh, Group M, Hearts & Science, Initiative, JCDecaux, Kinesso, Mad Mex, oOh!, PHD, Publicis, QMS, Scope 3, VIOOH, Vistar, Yahoo and a few more to be announced don't miss out on registering for Powering DOOH.
Don't forget the CY23 detailed Online Advertising Expenditure Report was released recently with adspend data for the local digital media market. The report and data set are available for members to download.
A big warm welcome to our newest members, Uber Australia and Scout Frontier, we look forward to having you as part of the IAB community.
More resources and a great array of job openings below.
'Til next week
Gai |
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